Corporate Matters

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    Corporate matters refer to the issues, events, decisions, and policies that concern a company, its shareholders, investors, and stakeholders. These matters often involve legal, financial, strategic, operational, and other important aspects of a business. Corporate matters can include mergers and acquisitions, labor relations, intellectual property disputes, product recalls, and compliance issues. In some cases, they may also involve regulatory matters, such as changes in laws or regulations that affect the company’s operations. As a virtual assistant, I can help you find information about corporate matters related to your business or industry.  We provide services

    Post Incorporation Compliance Annual FilingsDirector Relatedshares RelatedCompany ChangesLLP Change
    INC 20A – Commencement FilingCompany Annual ReturnAllotment of DINIncrease Authorised CapitalCompany Registered Office ChangeLLP Registered Office Change
    First Auditor AppointmentReturn
    LLP Annual Return
    Director DIN e KYC FilingShare AllotmentCompany Object Change

    Ÿ  LLP Name Change

    Company Registers & MinutesStatutory AuditDirector AppointmentShare TransferCompany Name ChangeLLP Object Change
    Secretarial RetainershipTax AuditDirector Removal/ResignationShare TransmissionCompany MOA ChangeAddition of LLP Partner
    Due DiligenceRBI Annual Filing (FLA)DIN SurrenderESOP Share AllotmentCompany AOA ChangeRemoval of LLP Partner
    Franking of shares certificateTransfer Pricing Audit

    Ÿ  Directors Disqualification Removal

    Ÿ  Share Valuation

    Ÿ  OPC Nominee Change

    LLP Agreement Changes